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Ecs Colloidal Silver Nasal Spray 50ml

Ecs Colloidal Silver Nasal Spray 50ml

Regular price R 52.65 ZAR
Regular price Sale price R 52.65 ZAR
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An all-natural mineral supplement of pure ionized silver in de-ionized water with natural viricide, bactericide and fungicide properties and supports the human body in overcoming infections. It is a remarkable catalyst in the reproduction of a healthy, disease free cellular life. eCS is one of the most powerful natural, therapeutic substances available to mankind - it has been used in space (NASA and MIR Space Station) for many years and has natural antibiotic properties. It strengthens the body's natural immune system to function at peak level.

As a powerful nutritional health tonic that provides vitality, energy and well-being, as well as preventing colds, flu and a host of disease causing pathogens, take half a measuring cup three times per day (up to eight times per day).  Depending on severity, it can be taken at 2 hourly intervals if needed. 

eCS causes the elimination of billions of toxins, so it is important to drink at least two litres of pure clean water daily to help your body flush out the toxins.

The Benefits of eCS:

1.  eCS provides more energy, fast healing and reduces bodily toxins

2.  eCS has tremendous natural anti bacterial, anti viral, anti fungal and anti inflammatory properties

3.  eCS eliminates numerous harmful disease causing organisms, reduces infection and stimulates healthy cellular reproduction

4.  eCS is 100% safe to use for babies, small children, pregnant women and nursing mothers

5.  eCS is non toxic, non additive and has no known side effects

6.  eCs has no reaction or interaction with other remedies or medications and the body develops no tolerance and cannot overdose

7.  eCS can be used orally, topically, anally, vaginally, atomized, inhaled into the lungs, dropped into the eyes, ears and nose perfectly safely

8. eCS cannot cause harm to the liver, kidneys or any other organ in the human body (or animals).

Colloidal Silver is ideal to have in the home or office as a regular health tonic or help in a myriad of body and skin problems. In liquid or gel form ideal for burns and healing wounds or cuts, infections and many disorders or diseases.

Please Note: There has been known to be confusion around the issue of whether colloidal silver can cause a very rare illness called argyria that occurs in patients that ingest large quantities of silver nitrate or other silver SALTS. Colloidal silver is not a silver salt but pure ionic silver in the form of positively charged silver atoms and thus cannot cause this disease.

Available in liquid (500ml/1L/250ml spray/50ml nasal spray) or gel form (100ml).


100% Natural (no additives or stabilizers)

Electro/Ionic Colloidal Silver

4 PPM to 7 PPM


Fast acting nasal spray which is particularly in the relief of post nasal drip, the common col, chronic sinusitis, hay fever or any other infection in the nasal passages and upper respiratory tract.

It can double as an ear spray to alleviate chronic weeping ears, infections of the external ear and relieving earache. Apply to nasal and ear passages as often as possible.

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