Rawbiotics Kids 500ml
Rawbiotics Kids 500ml
Rawbiotics are live, non-freeze-dried probiotics that balance & optimise the function of the gastro-intestinal tract. Unlike regular pure-culture probiotics, Rawbiotics are in a live liquid form and so don’t need to be freeze-dried to survive. The formula contains 12 strains & multiple classes of live beneficial bacteria fermented for 21 days at exact body temperature.
Rawbiotics KIDS provides natural bacteria needed for good health and growth. Healthy digestion leads to healthy bodies and happy children. The beneficial bacteria strains in Rawbiotics have shown benefit in balancing the immune system, preventing infections and allergies, reducing antibiotic-associated diarrhea and improving overall intestinal health and function. Rawbiotics KIDS include a selection of herbal extracts specially chosen for children that work with the live probiotics that are needed for good health and growth. The product contains organic fruit-juices, giving the product an improved taste.
Pack size: 500ml
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